你是否厌倦了长时间待在店等客户吗?想开店但又不想投资太多资金。所谓创业容易守业难在加上请人更难! 或许你也没时间或不会掌控市场营销。别担心,DIVO平台一个能让大家一起合作,共享资源,减少支出,整合一切如顾客,预定时间,营销,共用空间,与共同创建门市成为企业化等等。让你更轻松的减少支出与压力和有更多的时间赚更多的钱。欢迎所有KL, PJ 自由Freelancer美发师,化妆师,美容师,美甲师,微整师,按摩师,眉师和其他专业的服务行业师们等等加入我们。如有兴趣者请按这 https://bit.ly/2KFDpEO  链接和我们联系或了解更多详情。谢谢

To all KL, PJ beauty industry freelancer!! Are you feeling tired of waiting for customers in the salon for a long time? Feel difficult manage or sustain your business? Couldn't hire staff? Maybe you have no time or control over marketing. Don't worry, DIVO platforms allow everyone to work together, share resources, integrate everything such as customers, booking system, marketing, shared space, and more. Makes you more relaxed and has more time to make more money. Welcome to all freelance makeup artists, hair stylists, beauticians, manicurists, aesthetic, masseurs, eyebrows and other professionals are welcome to join us. If you are interested, please click this link https://bit.ly/2KFDpEO to contact us or learn more. Thank you